We make use of high end technology to produce tufted coconuts, making them extremely nutritious and tender at the same time. Our tufted coconuts are renowned the world over for their coconut water content that ranges from 300 to 1,000 ml. Our tufted coconuts are extremely rich sources of several vitamins and minerals. They also have high protein content and less sugar content, making them power packed with the right kind of nutrients.

Our tufted coconuts have an aerated feel when cut. They are also amazingly fresh and tender. The mild sweet taste they produce are a pleasure to your taste buds. These coconuts are renowned for their ability to prevent and reduce abdominal obesity.

Pollachi Fresh Coconuts offers an excellent quality range of Tufted Coconuts

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Coconut Copra in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Dubai, Belgium, Qatar, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Spain, Albania, Sweden Switzerland, United Kingdom, England and New Zealand.